BlogTechnologySuccessful Mobile App Development: Process to follow

Successful Mobile App Development: Process to follow

This is a story about the struggles and success of a California-based entrepreneur named Roger who had a great mobile app development idea. Roger worked in marketing for a leading advertising agency for 6 years after his graduation. He had an idea that can make marketer’s research activities easier which could be realized by a mobile application. He arranged some funds in a few months and decided to move forward with a random mobile app development company

Unfortunately – Roger was left with nothing comparable to the app in his expectation, and he felt heavily disappointed and stuck.

Why did he fail?

The reason for his failure was that he could not find a technology partner who gave importance to the process. Right from understanding the requirements to delivery, there are best practices and processes to be followed for successfully developing an application.

Luckily, Roger happened to meet John, who recently rolled out a mobile app successfully with the help of a mobile app development company based out of Bangalore, India. John explained how that company followed the process strictly and can guarantee success to Roger’s initiative.

Roger was then redirected to this app development company that follows the best process and thus guarantees successful delivery. Here are the steps and results that Roger experienced when he started working with this process focused company.

1. Understanding the Requirements

There was a good amount of time dedicated to understand what Roger wants, which is of greatest importance. Don’t you think that if there is a communication gap in this stage, the complete project is on toss?

The app development company discussed for hours with Roger in the first week to have a clear understanding of the requirements. The company then created a mind map, and shared their understanding with Roger to ensure that they are on the same page.

The feasibility of the different functionalities was analyzed, and commitments were made only if there is 100% confidence in realizing it, based on extensive research.

2. Figuring out the Right Approach and Go to Market Strategy

There are things to consider such as whether to go with mobile apps first? Or should you develop a web app along with mobile apps? Would you require one for tablets?

Also, there is a need to come up with a right MVP at times when the application is of a reasonably large size. In such cases it is necessary to understand the set of features required in the MVP, how it can find success in the market and so on.

Having a clear picture about the Go to Market strategy as early as possible is very important, as the MVP and selection of platforms will be based on this. Roger’s plans in regards to scalability, and the platforms he would require the app was understood and the right approach was suggested.

3. Selecting the Right Technology Stack

Selecting the right technology stack is the next step Roger went through with the help of an expert technical architect. The technology stack is selected based on several considerations like the need for hybrid platform, the most appropriate back end etc. The kind of data associated with the application and the dependencies were well understood before choosing the database platform.

Realizing the in depth understanding of requirements by the app development company, Roger was then confident about the technology stack. Moreover, the technical architect was able to explain the pros and cons of each technology to give Roger a clear picture.

4. Estimating the cost and timeline

Now, the company works on estimating the time and cost. Better the experience of the company, more realistic will be the estimate of cost and timeline. Roger was told the different factors that will affect the cost, and what all features contribute to the major chunk of work. He was also explained about the cost optimization techniques the company follows to help him.

5. Walking through the Proposal

Roger was then made to walk through the proposal drafted by the company, and was explained everything mentioned in the proposal.

The scope of the application was clearly stated in the proposal including the finest of the details. This activity gave more confidence to Roger, he can see a better picture now and understand what exactly he can expect.

6. Allocating the Resources and Initializing

Once Roger is confident to move forward with the project, the development company started allocating resources to dedicatedly work on the project.

Each resource was carefully selected based on his or her expertise and experience in working on selected technologies. The selection was also based on their experience in working on projects of similar size and domain.

7. Fixing the Design and Flow

Once the stage is all set, the first thing the company started building was the UI and flow. This made Roger very confident because, now he is in fact seeing exactly how the end product will look like. Each week Roger was given some UI frames that he could review and suggest necessary changes.

Roger was amazed to see this, as this was something that he had never seen despite working with another development company for many months.

Within 4 weeks the complete flow was finalized, and with the help of a final mockup, Roger could be rest assured that there is nothing being missed in his product.

8. Daily Calls and Weekly Sprints

The team scheduled daily scrum calls with Roger to give him updates on the progress of the project. Any deviation in the timeline could be easily tracked and the team pro acted to ensure all deliveries as scheduled.

There were tangible weekly sprints delivered each week to give more confidence to Roger. The use of ‘Basecamp’, ensured great transparency and easy communication between the team members themselves and with Roger.

9. Quality Assurance

Roger could see foolproof testing of the application being done by the company. With the great experience in mobile app space, the team could identify any slightest of deviations. This made the app functionally as well as technically perfect to be rolled out in the market.

10. Timely Delivery

The team strictly followed the schedule and communicated even the slightest of deviations with Roger. Roger could see the milestones being achieved exactly according to the way it was promised, and he expected.

Now Roger was all set to roll out his application exactly on the date he decided a few months ago.

11. On-boarding on Play Store/ App Store

TThere are several factors to consider to ensure the submission of the app on play store or app store. Roger never had to worry about any of these technical aspects, as the team had great hands on experience in successfully making numerous such submissions.

If you want to know more about App Store build rejections, please read this article by one of our technology expert – App Store Build Rejection : An Absolute Chaos

12. Ongoing Support

Roger could finally roll out his application as he expected, and he got an overwhelming response from his target market. The company offered him ongoing support and he had never to worry about anything that is technical about the application.

Also, the company helped him to scale his application smoothly in the coming months, and developed better versions of it adding more and more features. Roger felt blessed that John redirected him to this process-focused app development company with great technical expertise. The proven process followed by this company saved him from many pitfalls and made his app development journey easier than ever.

Do you want to guarantee success for your Mobile App Development initiative? Book a Free App Consultation at and our expert team can guide you!

Director of Design

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