BlogTechnologyA story of choosing between Native and Hybrid Platforms

A story of choosing between Native and Hybrid Platforms

David, who is a Finance Executive at an Insurance company, wanted to build an innovative mobile app. He had an idea of developing an app which will help people to search and avail the services from the local insurance service providers at the best rate. He wanted it to be a one stop solution to do everything related to insurance including all documentation and availing the claims. Once David had some clarity on the required functions, he decided to pursue App Development. He wanted the application to be run on iphone and android devices.

“But on what platform should I build it?” David asked his friend Steve who had a bit of app development experience.

Steve knew that mobile apps can be built in native platforms like Android (Android SDK and Kotlin) or iOS (Swift or Objective C) or using Hybrid platforms like React Native, Flutter, Xamarin or Iconic.

“That depends on several factors, and only an expert technical architect who is specialized in mobile apps can help you”. Steve said this while sharing a visiting card of a mobile app development agency with experience in delivering several apps of various size, complexity and functionality.

Very soon David reached out to this app development agency, and explained about his initiative.

The technical architect Amar and David had an in-depth conversation to understand the functionalities of the app.

Amar:(After looking into the scope document that David shared with him.): “If it demands best UI/UX, high performance, you should go with Native platforms”.

David:“How about Scalability and Security?”

Amar:“Scalability and Security are much better for Native platforms, so if that is of importance, again, you should go with Native”

David:(Asked in wonder), “So are you saying Native is the best choice always?”

“No – I didn’t say that!” Amar started explaining. “Last month we had another client who wanted to develop a healthcare application. We went through the functionality requirements in depth and we understood React Native would be the best fit. Depending on your app’s functionality, complexity and your budget, you need to choose that. Do you know that using hybrid platforms can save up to 30% of your costs?”

That is a great saving in fact” David said as he gained more clarity.

David: “But how popular are these hybrid ones? Are there any good developer communities?”

Amar: (Confidently) “Yes, React Native has the best developer community today among the hybrid platforms, followed by Flutter, Xamarin and Iconic.”

David: “Are there any well known apps built using hybrid platforms?”

Amar: “Definitely! FaceBook, Instagram, UberEats and Alibaba are some of the names. There are several applications wonderfully built on Hybrid platforms.”

David: “If I wanted to go with a hybrid platform, which could have been the better option?”

Amar: “Considering hybrid options, I would suggest React Native here, as it has got the best developer community and it can save your costs upto 30%. This option also allows easier code management, greater code reusability and delivers optimal performance.”

David: “What would be the other advantages if I consider Native Applications?” David wanted to know more.

Amar: “Well – you can deliver better UI/UX using native applications, it can support more in-app animations, facilitate more easy third party integrations, and lighter build size. Using native platforms allow you to use platform specific features like iOS ARkit and advanced camera and geolocation options, and gives you more power to boost the user experience”

David: “I want to deliver the best user experience and my budget is not too tight. I think I should go with native platforms which ensure high performance, security and greater power. What is your suggestion?”

Amar: “Absolutely! Native would be the best option here.”

Now David was very clear that he should choose Native Platforms to build his Application. He worked together with Amar to finalize the best tech stack and proceeded with the development.

Are you someone like David who needs some clarity on the Tech stack that you should choose to be successful?

Our leadership team with experience in delivering 300+ mobile and web applications can definitely guide you. Please write an email to or book a free app consultation at to learn more.

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